Play The F*cking Game!

        Language: C#

Engine: Unity

Time: 8 weeks

Work: UI & Physics Lasers

Project Info:

The project is called Muse. 

this project is made of inspirations of the artist Hito Steryel, an artist who made art about certain problems in the world like communism, politics, but also weird fun things. as an example, she had inspirations from Monty Python what is weird but funny at the same time. 

So, for us it was to make a game with inspirations of her art and to show it in a game. it is a game about her and also how her rooms looked like as in the first room you see clue's that tells which painting the right painting is to get through if you don't go in the right painting, you will spawn right back towards the beginning of the room. after your completion of the first room, you will see a second room that room shows an inspiration of one of her rooms. the blue lines are represented as lasers. with a little parkour init. if you hit the lasers, you will spawn right back in the second room so you could try again.


it was an interesting game to make but also a really hard one. the difficult part was how do you represent her art in the game. and that was one of the biggest challenges we've encountered. but with some research and dedication and inspiration we done it.


A fun fact as wel it was a sort of a competition, and we ended up first of the competition. i will show you a link towards my LinkedIn account where you can see and read the post about it.

Feature: Next Scene & Win or Lose


This is the first level of the game as you can see here there is a notice board with a text. The text represents a clue, of which is the right painting to go through. if you take the right painting you will succeed to the next room. If you go into the wrong painting, then you will return to the first room, and you'll have to try it again.

in total there are three rooms, and each room has more paintings what will make it a bit more difficult.




This code represents the next scene and how it works from a technical perspective. i work with AsyncOperation reason behind is, it is better for the game for a better flow in changing scenes, but also for loading screens. it automatically reads which is the next scene.

With the OntriggerEnter so basically if you go through the wrong painting or if you touch the laser basically you go through the laser then you will go back to the beginning of that specific level, you're in. and is what this code does.

Feature: Laser Movement & Enemy

This is the second level this level contains a lot of lasers in this level, you will have to go through a parkour. these lasers you see have a function if you'll touch them, then you'll lose, and you will have to try it again.


At the end of this level is an open door what is the end of the level and if you are successful then you could play the game again.

This is the code that represents the way the movement goes of the lasers. What happens here is there are two points the laser moves within; the laser calculates those two points and moves in these two points. 

Here is the inspector that shows which 2 points the lasers move within, and beneath the vertical one and vertical two, is the speed, that you always can choose how fast the lasers will move within those two points.